ProQuest Congressional This link opens in a new windowhe Basic Search form to retrieve Congressional information by performing searches on congressional publications, including bills, laws and legislative histories. Basic Search now searches the full text of bills, laws, bill tracking reports, and legislative histories, and searches the abstracts, titles, indexing information, and other bibliographic data for Congressional publications. The type-ahead in this and all search forms is based upon our Subject Index thesaurus, not what other researchers have entered. You may now retrieve an unlimited number of results.
Use the Advanced Search menu to search within specific publication types, and perform fielded searches of specific metadata, including document titles, authors, or Congressional source, and where available online (coverage dates vary), search the full text transcripts of documents that have been abstracted and indexed by CIS editors, such as committee hearings, House & Senate Reports and Documents.
Use the Search by Number form to search by legislative or bibliographic citations, such as document, bill, law, public law number, or SuDocs number to find specific publications and/or publications related to that legislation.