2021- 2022 Resource Cancellations
Poultry Science- no loss of access due to cancellation
-Happily, this resource is now Open Access (free for readers to access without a subscription) so we no longer need to subscribe to access it!
Tumblebooks- Subscription expired September 16, 2021 (Children's ebooks)
-Only 60 uses during subscription period (cost per use: over $10/picture book)
-Feedback: once the library stacks reopened, this resource was no longer meeting a curricular need.
Nexis Uni (formerly Lexis Nexis), subscription expired late June 2021
-Formerly part of the Shared Electronic Collection/Foundational Undergraduate Collection paid for by the UW System. UW System voted to remove and replace with Westlaw Campus Research and Access World News.
-Extremely high costs, high price increases, decreasing price per use were reasons given by voters representing each campus
-Switching to Westlaw and Access World News will save System at least $100,000
-Our local cost per use was extremely high and use has been decreasing in the past few years
-Loss of important advanced search features in the migration from Lexis Nexis to Nexis Uni interface led to user complaints
-Vendor does not provide records/service that work with Search at UW, making it difficult for UW Faculty and Students to use
2022- 2023 Resource Cancellations
American Journal of Veterinary Research- no loss of access due to cancellation
-Happily, this resource is now Open Access (free for readers to access without a subscription) so we no longer need to subscribe to access it!
-Savings to Library: $325
Our subscription to The Elsevier Science Direct/Freedom Collection expired at the end of December 2020.
A significant portion of this resource (around half of the cost) was paid for via the UW System in the past. We were informed that we must now cover the full cost, which in a time of budget cuts would have meant cutting at least two or three other resources that had a significantly lower cost per use and greater curricular impact than this Elsevier collection. Using a new usage statistics standard (COUNTER 5), we were able to determine that the majority of the impacted journals had an extremely high cost per use that made us question if the resource was a good value for our campus apart from budgetary concerns.
Many libraries are cutting Science Direct subscriptions, most notably the University of California System. Several other UW campuses have also done so, including UW-Milwaukee.
Fortunately, there are some other means to access these resources.
Access to Impacted Resources:
-We have permanent access for titles in a subset of this package for the years in which we were subscribed. Title coverage is listed for these journals in Search at UW.
-Some of the content is Open Access, meaning any reader can access it without a subscription. We have activated many Open Access collections in Search at UW to make this content discoverable there. We also recommend using LibKey Nomad for finding Open Access content while searching the Elsevier site.
-Articles can be requested through Resource Sharing/Interlibrary Loan options in Search at UW. To learn more, please view this resource guide.
The following steps were taken to minimize the impact of this cancellation:
-We will continue to subscribe to the highest-use journal titles from the Science Direct Collection (see list below).
-We purchased the following Elsevier backfile collections: Earth/Planetary Sciences, Psychology, Agricultural and Biological Sciences, Environmental Sciences, and Veterinary Sciences. We have permanent access to what is included in these collections. This content is available via Search at UW.