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Library Tutorials

This guide is made up of videos on how to conduct research using the library's resources, including how to use Search@UW, searching in subject-specific databases, and research tips

ERIC: Resource for Teacher Education

After watching this video I feel:
Less comfortable finding information using ERIC: 0 votes (0%)
A little more comfortable finding information using ERIC: 0 votes (0%)
A lot more comfortable finding information using ERIC: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 0
 ERIC is a great resource for finding information because with it you can:
Limit by education level: 0 votes (0%)
Limit by date: 0 votes (0%)
Use the thesaurus to find search terms: 0 votes (0%)
All of the above: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 0

Using NoveList K-8

A short video explaining how to look for children's books by subject, grade level, and other options in NoveList K-8.

After watching this video I feel:
Less comfortable finding books using Novelist K-8: 0 votes (0%)
A little more comfortable finding books using Novelist K-8: 0 votes (0%)
A lot more comfortable finding books using Novelist K-8: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 0
Novelist K-8 is a great resource for finding information because with it you can:
Limit by grade level: 0 votes (0%)
Search more than one term at once: 0 votes (0%)
Limit by starred review: 0 votes (0%)
All of the above: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 0

CQ Researcher

After watching this video I feel:
Less comfortable finding information using CQ Researcher: 0 votes (0%)
A little more comfortable finding information using CQ Researcher: 0 votes (0%)
A lot more comfortable finding information using CQ Researcher: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 0
CQ Researcher is a great resource for finding information because:
You can use it to find information on popular current topics: 0 votes (0%)
Reports contain a general overview and background on a topic: 0 votes (0%)
Reports contain footnotes with links for additional research: 0 votes (0%)
All of the above: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 0


After watching this video I feel:
Less comfortable finding information using JSTOR: 0 votes (0%)
A little more comfortable finding information using JSTOR: 0 votes (0%)
A lot more comfortable finding information using JSTOR: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 0
JSTOR is a great resource for finding information because with it you can:
Search within your results: 0 votes (0%)
Limit by subject: 0 votes (0%)
See how often your search terms appear in each article: 0 votes (0%)
All of the above: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 0